In his book, Atomic Habits, James Clear teaches us that one of the most important things in creating a new habit is taking small, consistent steps. These small steps can be very small steps. Steps that you might even think aren’t making a difference. But, he suggests that the showing up consistently, and the doing, if even only for a few minutes, is key into creating a new habit. He suggests making a guideline for yourself that you will not miss more than one day, and then get back to it.

Keeping this strategy in mind, I have listed some resources for a number of activities that you may want to create a habit for, that are for five minutes or less to help get you started.


5 minute beginner’s yoga video

The 3 minute yoga routine to jump start your morning

5 minute gentle morning bed yoga


5 minute meditation for weight loss

A 5 minute breathing meditation to cultivate mindfulness

5 minute mini meditation guide


Free write for five minutes (more about this here)

How the five minute journal works

The printed 5 minute journal

Strength Training

5 minute full body dumbbell workout

Hit every muscle in 5 minutes

The 5-Minute One-Dumbbell Workout For Total-Body Toning